Square Foot Garden Update 1

So it’s been a few weeks since I shared our Square Foot Garden.  We had great weather for the first week or so, summery weather that really helped us get a head start with the tomatoes and things. Then things got back to normal. I’ve had to cover everything up a couple of nights, and it looks like I will again this weekend.  I took another trip to Scottsville, Kentucky last week and bought bunches of new veggies to add in, then planted some more seeds as well. I was out of town this weekend and my kids forgot to water the new plants that were still in their flats. They looked really sad and mostly dead when I got home, but I’d paid so little, I thought I’d take a shot and plant them. So Monday morning, in the rain, I planted some sorry-looking tomatoes and peppers. Remarkably, they perked up in less than 12 hours and I think I’ll be harvesting lots of tomatoes, despite their shaky start.
In the first bed, the back row is now full, with two Best Boys, one Roma, and one Cherry tomato plant with marigolds to help control bugs. Second row I planted rosemary and parsley this week, next to my basil that’s not so happy right now (needs more sunlight or heat?). The last square in that row is full of sugar snap peas my little Doodlebug planted himself, and excitedly insists on showing every guest that arrives at our home.  The next row has lettuce, a square of carrots that have sprouted, brocoli and another square of sugar snaps. Front row has  onion, spinach, brocoli and a new red pepper plant.

Bed number one

The second bed has two squares for a personal watermelon plant, then two new heirloom tomatoes. The next row has leaf lettuce, parsley, cilantro, and pole beans. Next row has broccoli, a two blank for onions later, and part of the cuke plant bed. The front row has two broccoli, bush beans and the front of the cucumber.

Second box

The third bed is sort of our experiment bed. The back has cantaloupe and pole beans. The second row is brocoli, bush beans, a blank and corn. The third row is onion, sweet potato and two corn plants.  The front row has two sweet potatoes and corn. I’ve never grown potatoes or corn, so I’m hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but not counting on it.

Wild and crazy experimental box with sweet potatoes and corn.

What are you planting in your garden this summer? I’d love to hear about it!


Filed under Gardening

2 responses to “Square Foot Garden Update 1

  1. Pingback: Square Foot Gardening « Yurts And Things

  2. Pingback: Square Foot Gardens: Where Efficiency Meets Beauty - Epic Gardening

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